Into the Flame Christina Dodd Free Online Reads

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Raves for Christina Dodd

Bear upon of Darkness

''A sweeping saga of good and evil, the series chronicles the adventures of 4 siblings who try to redeem their family unit from a pact an ancestor made with the devil a g years before. This latest promises to be one of her best to appointment.'' —
Library Journal

''Enthralling, intense.'' —
The State
(Columbia, SC)

''Filled with action and adventure . . . a must read.''

Midwest Volume Review

''Christina Dodd demonstrates why she is such a pop writer in whatever genre. The characters are boldly drawn, with action on all sides. Readers will be riveted until the last page.'' —A Romance Review

Scent of Darkness

''The first in a devilishly clever, scintillatingly sexy new paranormal serial by Christina Dodd.''


''[A] satisfying series first . . . [a] fast-paced, well-written paranormal with a total, engaging mythology and a handful of memorable characters.''

Publishers Weekly

''Dodd kicks off her new
Darkness Chosen
series with a bang. A multilayered heroine and a sizzling-hot hero give readers plenty of emotional—and physical—action, and the relentless game of hunter and casualty adds an adrenaline ride for good measure out.'' —

''Multigenre genius Dodd dives headfirst into the paranormal realm with . . . a scintillating and superb novel!'' —
Romantic Times
⁄2 stars, Top Pick)

Tongue in Chic

''Christina Dodd is my go-to writer when I want outrageously entertaining romantic suspense. I count on her for stories that deliver hot romance, fast activeness, and that magic ingredient—heart.''

New York Times
bestselling author Jayne Ann Krentz

''RITA Award-winning Dodd'southward latest sparkling romantic suspense novel is another of her superbly sexy literary confections, expertly spiced with sassy wit and featuring a beguiling cast of wonderfully entertaining characters.'' —

Trouble in Loftier Heels

''A book past Christina Dodd is like a drinking glass of champagne . . . sparkling and sinfully delicious.
Trouble in High Heels
is one heady ride and an experience not to exist missed. With her electric mode, vibrant characters, and sly wit, Christina Dodd gives readers everything they desire in a romantic suspense novel.'' —Lisa Kleypas

''Dodd volition dazzle readers with this fabulously fun tale of danger, desire, and diamonds, which features still another winning combination of the writer'southward trademark smart and snappy writing, delightfully original characters, and deliciously sensual romance.''

(starred review)

''Nonstop activity, sparkling dialogue, and two characters who burn up the pages. . . . A story that is non merely unique, simply has pizzazz and leaves readers wondering who the bad and skilful guys are until the end.''

—Romance Reviews Today

. . . and her other novels

''Dodd delivers a high-octane blowout finale. . . . This romantic suspense novel is a delicious batter that readers will be hard-pressed not to swallow in 1 gulp.'' —
Publishers Weekly

''Warm characterizations and caperlike plot make Dodd'due south hot gimmicky romance a delight, and the cliff-hanger ending will leave readers eager for the sequel.'' —

''Dodd brings her unique sense of plotting, grapheme, humor, and surprise to this wonderful tale. You'll savor every word, cherish each poignant moment and ingenious plot twist, sigh securely, and eagerly await the sequel. Dodd is clever, witty, and sexy.''

Romantic Times

''Dodd adds sense of humour, sizzling sensuality, and a bandage of truly delightful secondary characters to produce a story that will not disappoint.'' —
Library Periodical

''Stiff and likable characters make this an enjoyable read. Ms. Dodd peppers the story with interesting secondary personalities, which add to the reading pleasance.''

—The Best Reviews

''Sexy and witty, daring and delightful.''

—Teresa Medeiros,
New York Times
bestselling author of
Subsequently Midnight

''A main romantic storyteller.''

—Kristin Hannah,
New York Times
bestselling author of
Angel Falls

''Christina Dodd keeps getting better and better.''

—Debbie Macomber,
New York Times
bestselling author of
Christmas Letters

''Treat yourself to a fabled volume—annihilation past Christina Dodd!'' —Jill Barnett,
New York Times
bestselling author of
Sentimental Journey

Christina Dodd's
Darkness Chosen
Scent of Darkness
Bear upon of Darkness
Into the Shadow
Into the Flame

Christina Dodd's romantic suspense
Trouble in High Heels
Tongue in Chic
Thigh Loftier

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Get-go Printing, August 2008

Copyright © Christina Dodd, 2008

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For Shannon and Rex.
Best wishes for a long life together,
thank you for the wonderful gift your love
has created,
and congratulations!


Darkness Called
has been dark, complex, and fascinating to write, and to bring the serial to fruition has required the support of and then many amazing professionals at NAL: the editorial section, especially the wonderfully creative Kara Cesare; the art department, led by Anthony Ramondo; Craig Burke and my ain Michele Langley in publicity; and the whole wonderful Penguin sales department. Thank you lot all. A huge, special thank you to Rachel Granfield and production. You're the all-time!


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